Acupuncture for Insomnia in New York City Insomnia is, unfortunately, very common and there are more than 3 million cases per year in the US. Stress, anxiety, depression, daily worries, and many medical conditions can cause insomnia. Insomnia manifests in a variety of ways, the most common types include: trouble falling asleep, problems staying asleep, waking up frequently, and not feeling well rested even after enough sleep. These different types of disrupted sleep cause fatigue, moodiness, and result in poor performance at school, work, and household responsibilities. At NY Acupuncture and Chiropractic, we aim to bring balance into your life, reduce stress, and help your body overcome insomnia and sleep naturally.
4 Tips for Beating Insomnia Naturally
Stop looking at the clock. If you are anxious about lack of sleep and you have a glowing clock near your bed that you constantly check, you will be more anxious about how few hours of sleep you will get, which will lead to you sleeping even less.
Don’t work, watch TV or use your computer/phone in bed: remove things that stimulate and awaken your senses or stress you from bedroom. Keep the bedroom a sacred place of rest and renewal.
Herbal teas- chamomile and chrysanthemum teas (available in asian supermarkets) can help relax you, there are also a variety of Chinese herbal teas for relaxation and insomnia.
Practice Qi Gong breathing exercises: Our office staff can teach you meditation practices that will help you relax at night.
How can New York Acupuncture and Chiropractic help with Insomnia? Give us a call at 212-293-1722 or send us a message here and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We are located in NYC, NY. Our offices are located in Midtown East, Midtown West, and in the Financial District.
New York Acupuncture & Chiropractics Office #1 Landline(appointments & general inquiries) : (212)293-1722 Phone (appointments & general inquiries) : (201)982-0964 Address: 353 Lexington Ave., Suite 1005, New York, NY 10016 Hours: M-F 10AM-8PM Saturday 12PM-5PM Office #2 Landline(appointments & general inquiries) : (212)293-1722 Phone (appointments & general inquiries) : (917)399-3436 Address: 566 7th Ave., Suite 601A New York, NY 10018 Hours: M-F 11AM-8PM Office #3 Landline(appointments & general inquiries) : (212)293-1722 Phone (appointments & general inquiries) :(929)388-6067 Address: 160 Broadway Ave., Suite 602 New York, NY 10038 Hours: M-F 11AM-8PM