A Partial List of What We Treat Acupuncture is used to bring harmony and balance to the body and it is used to treat a variety of conditions. Please click on the links below for more information on each condition. If you do not see a condition listed here, please call our office and we will do our best to explain the benefits of acupuncture in treating you.
To see a complete list of conditions for which Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to be an effective treatment, Click here to view the World Health Organization website.
New York Acupuncture & Chiropractics Office #1 Landline(appointments & general inquiries) : (212)293-1722 Phone (appointments & general inquiries) : (201)982-0964 Address: 353 Lexington Ave., Suite 1005, New York, NY 10016 Hours: M-F 10AM-8PM Saturday 12PM-5PM Office #2 Landline(appointments & general inquiries) : (212)293-1722 Phone (appointments & general inquiries) : (917)399-3436 Address: 566 7th Ave., Suite 601A New York, NY 10018 Hours: M-F 11AM-8PM Office #3 Landline(appointments & general inquiries) : (212)293-1722 Phone (appointments & general inquiries) :(929)388-6067 Address: 160 Broadway Ave., Suite 602 New York, NY 10038 Hours: M-F 11AM-8PM